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Dienstag, 4. November 2008
We're going to sue your ass off
nnier | 04. November 2008 | Topic 'umor & more
Endlich habe ich einen Anlass dafür gefunden, mal auf ein wirklich schönes Telefongespräch zwischen Paul McCartney und dem "Kanadischen Ministerpräsidenten"* hinzuweisen, das 2003 kurz vor einem Konzert geführt wurde. Der Telefonscherzbold war derselbe, der nun (als "Président Sarkozy") Frau Palin unter anderem erzählte, er habe einen "interessanten Dokumentarfilm" (he he) über sie gesehen.

Es gab mal einen Mitschnitt von dem McCartney-Gespräch zu hören, den ich leider nicht mehr finde, dafür habe ich ein Transkript** ausgegraben, aus dem ich hier mal einige Stellen zitieren möchte. Er schlägt sich ganz gut, finde ich!

("P" ist Paul McCartney, "DJ" der Radiomensch, der ihn anruft).

P: Hello.
DJ: Yes, hello, Sir McCartney?
P: Yeah, hi.
DJ: This is Jean Chretien, Prime Minister of Canada. How are you?
P: I'm great, thank you Jean. Is it OK if I call you Jean?
DJ: Yes of course. It is such an honor to speak to you.
P: Oh great man, how's things over there?
DJ: I have to tell you, you are to receive the Order of Canada, very few people receive it. Two have received it this year, two very important scientists.
P: I've heard of one, they work on Aids.
DJ: Exactly, exactly, they work a lot on it. It is very important for me to include you in that group as a singer and songwriter who has changed the lives of my citizens so much.
P: That's fabulous man, it's such a high honor for me.
DJ: You know, I've done politics for 40 years and it's like working eight days a week, but I still like to take time as a music lover to honour someone who has done more for people than any politician.
P: Oh, that's nice of you. We were just having fun at the time, though.
P: Merci beaucoup, monsieur. This is a great honor, I feel a particular fondness for Canada, the British and Canadians have had a long history together. I've got to go on stage now, we'll talk later.
DJ: Sir Paul, If there's anything you want, if there's anything I can do, you are going to be able to call on me and I'll send some love from me to you.
P: Ha ha, I can't believe I'm listening to the prime minister of Canada and he says 'Love from me to you'.
P: You're quoting Beatles songs right?
DJ: Yes exactly.
DJ: Thank you, sir, and as you would normally say, you're going to say goodbye and I'm going to say hello.
P: I love it, you take it easy.
DJ: Thank you very much, Mr. McCartney, oh, by the way - you've been pranked.
P: (silence) Oh yeah?
DJ: Yeah.
P: Fucking hell, I've just thought that might be the case. Ha ha. I wondered about the Beatles lyrics.
DJ: Thank you very much sir, I must say it was an honor to speak to you.
P: We'll I'm telling you we're going to sue your ass off.
DJ: Are you serious?
P: No, ha ha ha.
DJ: Ha ha ha.
P: You Canadians are funny, I was beginning to think Canada has one zany PM. Bye!

* Der damalige MP hieß übrigens Jean Chrétien
**Dort herunterscrollen bis zum 9. Oktober 2003

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