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Had I almost said on ze Saturday, before it was zen not really enough for a satisfactory result. Still, just enough for claimed ze top have I had.

(From ze series "I must get more popular" by Hans Yurgen People)
On ze byway, zere is one queshtshion I have on you. Zere are, because it's sometimes so hot outside you can't believe it, no joke, days like zis where I cannot bring myselves to writing a reasonably blog becaurse it is so warm and you sit zere on your sweatin four letters. And zen I sit zere, and I asks to meself: Would it not be better to not to write at all in ze blog, becaurse you doesn't has any meaningful sings to say. But zen again, I sink to meselves, zere is all zese much, much readers out zere and zey doesn't deserve zat you no writing any blog sings at all becaurse zey have nossing to read zen and perhaps get sad or ill. And ze queshtshion I am wanting to asks on you is, should I continues ze write even if ze brain is so empty like all ze empty bottles in my front, or should I not force me to writing becaurse ze peoples realize it a hundred percently when you forces yourselve to write just anysing only zerefore zat zere stands somesing. When you wants, you can replys in ze comment, and also in ze englisch. I would joy me.

(From ze series "I must get more popular" by Hans Yurgen People)
On ze byway, zere is one queshtshion I have on you. Zere are, because it's sometimes so hot outside you can't believe it, no joke, days like zis where I cannot bring myselves to writing a reasonably blog becaurse it is so warm and you sit zere on your sweatin four letters. And zen I sit zere, and I asks to meself: Would it not be better to not to write at all in ze blog, becaurse you doesn't has any meaningful sings to say. But zen again, I sink to meselves, zere is all zese much, much readers out zere and zey doesn't deserve zat you no writing any blog sings at all becaurse zey have nossing to read zen and perhaps get sad or ill. And ze queshtshion I am wanting to asks on you is, should I continues ze write even if ze brain is so empty like all ze empty bottles in my front, or should I not force me to writing becaurse ze peoples realize it a hundred percently when you forces yourselve to write just anysing only zerefore zat zere stands somesing. When you wants, you can replys in ze comment, and also in ze englisch. I would joy me.
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